Chinese Traditional Brush Painting by JIN Zijiang


*Spring 27x24 cm
In Chinese traditional painting, artists like to use willows with green buds to represent the season of spring, as depicted in this scene near a lake. A wooden zigzag bridge leads to a small cottage located at the foot of the mountain. The whole picture evokes peace, which is disturbed only by the breeze that the observer can almost feel.


*Summer  33x24 cm
On a hot summer morning, the breeze in the mountain valleys wafts away muggy mists. A robed man plays a zheng (an ancient Chinese musical instrument) on a rock over a small pool surrounded by pine trees, as if they formed an appreciative audience listening to his delicate music.


*Autumn  27x24cm
Autumn creeps into this quiet valley. A cluster of reeds sways in the breeze, with only a few cold leaves still able to grip their stems. The vegetation still clings to life, but no man, no bird, no other forms of life can be seen except for the fading plants that are encouraged to stay alive by the two evergreen pines in the foreground.


*Winter  33x24 cm
A heavy snow covers the mountains, trees and roof of a cottage. Yet the scene is not devoid of life. A few birds fly in the grey sky, hoping to find a stray seed or even prey. Where is the owner of the cottage? Perhaps sitting comfortably before a glowing fire, and enjoying a few sips of wine by himself?




2010 and before