Chinese Traditional Brush Painting by JIN Zijiang


JIN Zijiang has been fascinated with Chinese art since childhood. Born in Shanghai, Zijiang was introduced to traditional Chinese landscape painting by his father at the age of seven. After joining the Nanjing Youth Association for Painting and Calligraphy, Zijiang spent couple of years learning traditional Chinese and Western painting skills with prestigious artists in Jiangsu. Zijiang’s paintings have been exhibited in Nanjing, Beijing, Florence, Osaka and New York, and shown in a number of books and newspapers. 

 Like many traditional Chinese artists, Zijiang visited incredible landscapes and found inspiration. The observer of his work cannot, however, identify specific mountains or rivers in his work. Rather, the scenes he paints are expressions of the heart: a visual expression of the natural world combined with the artist’s innermost feelings. For the artist this is the essence of Chinese traditional painting.
